Become a Client
If you would like to have an initial consultation with an expert staff member, please fill out an intake form either online or by picking up a physical copy at our office.
You must attach your 2023 tax return and or proof of benefits with your intake. Failure to do so will result in your intake being rejected.
Completed forms can be:
Emailed to:
Mailed to: 3047 N 70th St Lincoln, NE 68507
Dropped off: at our office
Submitted online
Our appointment coordinator will call you to inform you if you qualify for free services, if we need any more documents, to schedule an appointment, or to inform you that you are on a waitlist to be served.
General English Intake Form
General intake form for those seeking general immigration advice. You must attach your latest tax return and /or proof of benefits with your intake.
Formulario General (español)
Formulario general para quienes buscan asesoramiento legal. Debe adjuntar su últimos impuestos o prueba de beneficios con su aplicación.
Citizenship / Naturalization Intake
Intake for those who have a valid LPR (green card) and are ready to apply for citizenship. You must attach your latest tax return and /or proof of benefits with your intake.
U-Visa or VAWA Intake
Intake if you have been a victim of domestic violence or other related crimes. CLIA prioritizes these applications and upon submission, someone from our office will contact you.
Formulario para los que tienen su residencia (tarjeta verde) válida y están listos para solicitar la ciudadanía. Debe adjuntar su última declaración de impuestos y/o comprobante de beneficios.

Whether it's direct legal services, mental health support, education, interpreter training, or employer training, we are dedicated to supporting the immigrant community in Lincoln and across the state.
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